Accurate High Resolution Terrain for Pro 2022


I am working on a project in Knoxville, TN, USA.

  1. I don’t see the option to use NearMap in my Free Trial of SU Pro 2022. Will I see it once I pay for the subscription?

2.Anyone here knows if PlaceMaker is better than NearMap, in terms of better High Resolution imaging and terrain generation?

  1. I used PlaceMaker and the Elevation data is slightly better than the one generated by SU, but both are still not accurate (compared to LiDAR DWG imported into SU). Is there an extension that generates ‘accurate’ geo-located-elevation-data terrain? Not just the X and Y but also the Z? :slight_smile:


This varies greatly according to region. Neither Placemaker or Nearmap data is available for most of the globe.
Compared to LIDAR data or other site scanning methods, any satellite data is inaccurate. I live in Finland and our national survey has made its data free and public. Their aerial scans are more accurate than any satellite ones, at 2…5 m intervals but yet not accurate enough to base any building operations on. Last summer they started a new scanning operation that will be vastly more accurate, with something like 3 points per sqm.

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Thanks, Anssi. I forgot to mention I am in Knoxville, TN, USA

You do need to have a subscription license to SketchUp Pro to be able to access the NearMap imagery.

I think there is higher resolution imagery available through PlaceMaker but at a higher cost.

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The terrain that comes in is the same for near map as it is for digital globe. You are not able to buy near map tiles under the trial version.

If the main goal is to get more accurate terrain, start in the center of the area and set the zoom level to 18. Import that, and then use the option to add more imagery, then import the adjacent areas. If you end up with a 3x3 set of imports instead of 1 import for the whole area, you would have 3 times the amount of detail in the terrain.

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Thanks, I have imported terrain at 18 zoom level from the beginning (20 acres). And it is still not high res.

Are you talking about the images or the terrain? I think that the terrain has 1500 measuring points across the imported area, so may not ever get as detailed as you want.

Other parts of Trimble do have equipment for more accurate site surveying.

Hi Colin! THanks for your reply. I guess I was referring to the terrain. Or the images attached to the terrain generated if that makes sense.

What are the other parts of Trimble that do have terrain with higher accuracy and higher resolution imagery?


You could look at this page:

@ChrisDizon knows more about this than I do.

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Thank you!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: