A new day, a new question. Proportional scaling...I guess

I there,
I’m trying to scale the orange part to twice it’s size while retaining the size of the white parts.
Ie. scale orange, move, but NOT scale, white accordingly.

What I’m trying to achieve is the example below (from orange to green).

I tried turning them into groups/components but that doesn’t seem to work.
User error…aware of that :wink:

You must use the Move tool.

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For a slightly fully answer, the normal scale tool will always scale everything like that.
But you can move the geometry with the move tool. You could set some guidelines to help.

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Thank you both.
The move tool is indeed a sollution for my given example.

To give a different example, which explains my problem maybe better…

I have this building:

I want to scale the windows with 50% in width but keep the frames the same size. So. the wooden part should not scale with 50% just move along with the scaling of the window.

What I’m trying to achieve, if possible ;-), is:

  • select windows
  • scale (tape measure tool) the windows with 50% (just the width)
  • frames move accordingly

When it’s just 1 window i can use the movetool, although this is still a bit difficult when the middle part of the frame, the part that separates the left and rigth window, is not in the exact middle. This would mean i need to calculate the movement amount of this part…sigh, just the thought of all the work :wink:

Thing is, i get these models delivered as a complete model, so recreating the window as a dynamic component en pasting them back in is too time-consuming.

Are they created in some other application and then imported into SketchUp, or created in SketchUp?

If the latter, have a talk with whoever is building the models and educate them about using components!

If the former I can think of two paths forward. The ultimately better way is to make a component for each distinct window size and replace all the loose geometry with the components (which is actually less work than it might sound if you proceed systematically using, for example, guide lines to mark vertical and horizontal positions of the rows and columns of the windows Edit: and/or use the array copy capability of the move tool). Once you have components you can edit one and the others will match. Or you can make them dynamic components if you wish - though that will take you down another learning path if you haven’t made DCs before. The easier way initially is to multi-select corresponding parts of all the windows and move them all at once with the move tool. Of course, that means you start all over if you need to revise again later.

I’m not quite sure I follow. Is the center mullion off center due to sloppy modeling or because that’s the way it is really meant to be (I’ve not seen windows with intentionally off-center mullions, but hey maybe…)? If it is just a modeling issue, you should be aware that SketchUp edges have inference snaps at their midpoints, and you can use these to align the center mullion exactly at the center of the horizontals.

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maybe you can try the FredoScale plugin.
By clicking Alt (mac) Ctrl (win) to act from the center.
and F4 (win) fn+F4 (mac) toggles on and off a Divider that you can move

Thx all,
That FredoScale looks great.I’m going to try that one out.

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