5D+ Auto Info - New way to extract information from model

Hello, thank you for reporting. This is exactly a bug, and I have fixed it.

If you don’t receive notice message from a popup, please press “Check for Update” in the settings to update to the latest version 1.3.3 - Release date 2025.01.12, which I have released already.

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The latest version may fix that bug. Please check.

@Cyentruk Thank you for fixing the dynamic component selection problem! I have three new things to show you.

  1. it looks like the image doesn’t read materials applied to the component, only materials applied within that component. I understand if you don’t want to fix this, since a lot of people prefer to apply materials to faces and edges.

  2. I do not see a way to format the PDF export so that the table doesn’t get cut off.

  1. I still have the same problem with how it reads the dynamic component Name field for nested components.

This is because SketchUp doesn’t save image of a component with material apply only to the group. I use SketchUp API to save the image.

I have not invested time for export PDF much (may be in the future). Currently you can drag the size of the image column to a smaller size to fit the default export.

I see it read the right name

If you double click into the header of column, you can choose to show another attribute if they share a same “attribute name”.

And search

It is still reading Slab C as “Slab D”.

For the material problem, I understand it’s a limitation of the API.

Thanks so much for all your help!

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@Cyentruk the new version fixed this. Super helpful for Window/ Door Schedules with Dynamic Components as well as Equipment Schedules…

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Thanks so much for your reponses.

Don’t you know you can create your custom preset to display any columns, order, header name… and units format as you want?

Yes, it’s awesome. Before, I wasn’t able to select a Dynamic Component that contained other components but it’s fixed. I use the FlexTools dynamic doors and windows. The update fixed this…

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@Cyentruk Would it be difficult to add support for fractions of inches on the measurements columns? Example 1 3/16" instead of 1.1875.

I would ask the same question for 5D+ and 5D+ Auto Measure.

Thanks and noted.

Update: Is is OK?

If you open a new sketchup file and change the units in model info, for Americans it looks like this:

Americans mostly use “architectural” or “fractional” format. Precision can be 1/2", 1/4", 1/8", 1/16", 1/32", or 1/64". Most of us work on 1/64" precision.

It doesn’t show us fractions like 1/5", only rounding up to 1/4" or down to 3/16". I know that probably doesn’t make a lot of sense to metric system users.

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Ah, I known this. I make mistake when not round to these values.

There’s something fun is coming.
New Auto Info


Hi @Cyentruk → would it be possible to make this field as big as the cell-height automatically. It’s a bit annoying adding description like that. I can drag the corner to make the field bigger but I have to do the every single time.


This is already fixed in the coming update. Let’s wait for the new version :grin:


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Here it is.
Auto Resize


One more question/feature request - the presets - it would be nice if the presets also remembered coloumn-widths and how the list was sorted (like by which column and a-z or z-a). From what I see, every time I reopen the window I need fiddle with this again.