I found this while searching online: Flint Texture Pack | 3D Warehouse (sketchup.com)
I have an active Sketchup Pro subscription and can download from the 3DWarehouse via Sketchup with no issues. But the link above required me to log in, and my Sketchup/Trimble login didn’t work. I created a new account, just to see what happened and to my surprise using my Sketchup/Trimble log in did not create an ‘account already exists’ error. I created a password, but when I try to log in I get directed to:
The repeated ‘3dwarehouse-’ in the URL looks suspicious but deleting one of them doesn’t help.
And I’ve tried searching for the same texture pack on the 3Dwarehouse from Sketchup and it doesn’t exist there.
Very confused as to what is going on. Are there 2x 3DWarehouses? And when it says ‘You are logged in to all things Trimble’ it seems to be lying??