Well, I’ve had a go at rounding the top of the A letter. It’s taken over an hour, and I’m not very happy with the result.
I used pushpull to create half cylinders as components above each straight stroke of the A, extending them beyond the letter’s edges. Then moved the smaller ones up so all were level at the top. Exploded them all, used Intersect Faces with context, and (after a bit of fiddling to separate surfaces) trimmed off the surplus.
I think it is partially at least because the effect you want can’t be defined or constructed exactly, especially at the internal corners of the serif.
Here’s where I’ve got to.
avrs - A rounded.skp (887.8 KB)
Where the stroke width of the left side of the A (almost) matches the height of the serif, I’ve used FollowMe using the outer edges of the straight A stroke and the curve that bridges to the serif as the path and a semicircle as the profile.
That leaves a dimple on the upper face at the join. You could flatten that by drawing round its edges.
The outer right hand serif (left in the upside-side down image) was constructed using Curviloft/Skin Contours. The Curviloft surface actually dives inside the half-cylinder round across the bottom of the serif. I created the edges for Curviloft using two rectangular faces to intersect the half-cylinder.
I haven’t worked out how to do the left hand side of the right hand serif. Curviloft bulges out over the bottom.
It’s possible that you could use the Soap Skin and Bubble plugin just to inflate the top surface of each letter, which would just round the tops, but not necessarily to a half cylinder.
I’ve tried it, and it sort-of-works, but the results are a very lumpy unless one uses a high level of subdivision. And when I tried that, I got an indefinite ‘Wait’ cursor. I left it while I made a coffee, and it hadn’t finished even by the time I’d drunk it.
Tried again, this time rotating the V so the grid was parallel to the wider side, using divisions = 20 and pressure 4000.
When I tried again increasing divisions to 30, the extension triggered the Wait cursor again. And as previously, I had to force quit SU.
Your patience may be greater than mine, or you may choose better parameters.
Sorry I can’t help more.