3d Text - height of the font does not match what I input in the dialogue

I just started trying to create some 8’ tall text to be created in 3d for an event.
When I enter 8’ in the 3d Text font dialogue box this registers as 8’ height in the 3D text dialogue.

When I place the text in the model the actual height of the letters is 7’. I tried 12’ tall and the result was 10’- 6". This has not been an issue in the past. Anyone have any ideas?


Using the latest Sketchup Pro on a new M4 Mac Mini.

More than likely a font issue rather than SU, in any case you can simply scale it to the reqd height after.

It would depend upon what the “Height” field in the dialog measures as.
This may be from the baseline to the ascender line. Some letters can go below or above these lines. It also depends upon what font face you used.

check this article, it explains why some font appear bigger or smaller even though they use the same size.

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Thanks all. I fixed it with ‘scale’. I can’t share the text due to work and also I’m on a deadline. I am guessing it is the issue that @ateliernab shared. I am using all caps in Gotham and all the letters appear the same height (the ‘V’ drops slightly). I just tried it using a lower case ‘y’ and that letter seems to drop below the others by enough to make up the full height that I asked for. So the font height is measuring the distance from top to bottom of all letters in the alphabet. Interesting. Cheers.

Depending the font it may be a lower case g or j instead of the y. Probably in most cases scaling the text to the desired height is the easiest option.