The default 10 inch block letters are all I get no matter what I do in the font window.
you’ll get better font handling with SU v16 on ‘El Capitan’…
Apples font handling changed and v15 is lacking the ability to use those changes…
Thanks for the quick reply, I’ll look for the upgrade.
Upgraded, the text tool worked strangely but I got what I needed. It still would not show anything but a 10" option in the text window but it accepted my 1" choice in the font window. Unfortunately my license won’t work with this version so no lasting fix.
I realize this is not a very satisfactory workaround, but since 3D text is ordinary geometry, you can scale it to satisfy just about any size requirement you have.
has your Maintenance contract run out?
if not it’s a free upgrade…
[quote=“Miles, post:4, topic:18042”]
but it accepted my 1" choice in the font window.
[/quote] that’s the only place I have ever tried to adjust it…