I try to fix by copy old 3D editable text and place to reuse. Then window popup will come back.
However if I open new file, window pop up will not show again.
I am going to check Box’s link. Thank you for your support.
Yes, there appears to be an issue with a recent update I think.
The text dialog always opens at one point, and if that is offscreen you have to keep moving it.
I’ll @thomthom to get his attention.
I have the most up to date of both from the E warehouse and it always opens in the same place, which is the wrong screen for me, but easily grabbed and moved. But it won’t retain the memory of where it was moved to.
Finally it worked!!! I uninstalled the TT_lib2 and installed the latest version 2.13.1. Just like @johnston52 I never received a prompt for it to update so I did manually.
I have been following this thread, I also have not seen an update is available for Lib2. The original was installed from the extent warehouse. Additionally I have not experienced any issues.