Katya advised me to post here regarding features that would entice me to a paid version of Make:
3D Print scale: My primary use for sketchup is modeling for 3D printing. When in the 3D Print template, automatically scaling up by a factor of 10 and allowing the curves to be a larger segment count would be great. Example: When designing a small part and radiusing an edge, I often get, 'Radius is too small for that number of segments…" Scale up x 10, make changes, scale back… Typically I draw in 10X, but there are more a few times when I scale down, I need to adjust and scale back up…
SVG or EPS import: When I want to add text (wrapped on a path) or intricate designs that are sometimes easier drawn in a art program, it would be great to import. Additionally, DWG would be great, especially with QCad out.
GCode/Slicer: Katya has advised to look at the extensions, but I would love to be able to see my design as it is sliced. MANY times (as I have learned to use SU better) I have designed and found that I did not create a solid object as it reached the slicer. Currently I draw, export STL, check the layers in Cura and if all is good, go print.
BIM?: My company uses Revit to design and Trimble to layout in the field. A sketchup type design tool would be most awesome.
Thank you for what you guys have made of this program. Since I decided to become a mac snob, this is my tool of choice.