3-D warehouse download fail, no internet connection?

In trying to download from the warehouse, I’m getting a message “Download Failed, No Internet Connection Available”
I have a really strong internet connection, nothing else opened on my computer, shut SketchUp down and restarted it. Same message.

What gives?

What version of SketchUp are you using? Complete your profile.

I know of an issue where searching for specific things can show an Internet error. What exactly did you search for?

Searched for a dinghy

Screen Shot 2022-08-20 at 10.43.11 AM.pdf (456 KB)

Again, what version of SketchUp are you using?


Try the steps I give in this article:

If you are using SketchUp 2017, the path to the i18n.dat file will be this:

/Applications/SketchUp 2017/SketchUp.app/Contents/Resources/Content/Resources/en-US/i18n.dat

Sketchup Make v 17.3.116

Please complete your profile.

The 3D Warehouse hasn’t supported SketchUp 2017 for a long time. It currently supports the versions shown below. You can get components from the 3D Warehouse via your internet browser. Download the Collada version of the file and import the included .dae file into SketchUp.