Internet Connection

Hello, Ive been trying to get to the 3D Warehouse but is says it requires an internet connection. Ive been using SketchUp for years and this is the first time I have seen this. How do I reconnect?


There are already a number of threads on this. See:

Note that as of 11 August the 3D Warehouse no longer converts components to version 2018. See:

Thank you for this information. What do you suggest I do?

Follow the instructions that Colin gave.

I ended up writing many things in that post. The short version for you would be (close SketchUp first):

  1. Find Notepad, and right-click, run as admin. You can do that even in the Start menu.
  2. Find your way to here:

C:\Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2018\Resources\en-US\i18n.dat

  1. Open that file, and where you see:

change it to be:

Do a Save in Notepad, and then reopen SketchUp.

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