2025 Not saving / Purge issues

I recently updated to 2025 and have deeply regretted it ever sense. The material library is practically non-existent now! Editing a live component is unnecessarily complicated. But my biggest problem is that I can’t save anything! Every time I press save I get a notification prompting me to purge unused components. So I click yes and suddenly Sketchup is not responding and eventually it crashes. I go back in to the recovered file hit save and then when prompted to purge I hit no and it still stops responding and crashes. both times without any error messages or bug splats. It just closes.

At this point I have spent the last 2 days intermittently trying to save my recovered file because I don’t want to keep working on it just to risk loosing it all.

At this point I have almost completely disregarded 2025. I had to start a new file yesterday for a new project and I made sure to start it in 2024. At this point I just want to save the one and only file I started in 2025 so I can downgrade it to 2024 and continue working there where I have a better material library and I can at least save my work.

on the click of a simple button you can access 600+ more materials. and you can always import your older materials.

then… don’t ? there are 5 million components in the warehouse, and only a tiny fraction of them live.

now that one is odd. how heavy is your file ? where is it stored ? local drive ?

you can simply copy the stuff you have made in 25 and paste it in a clean 24 file. I see you didn’t do any scenes or anything.

also, someone recently reported crashes when purging with enscape and sketchucation activated. I see you have enscape here, can you try turning it off and manually purge the file ? (in window menu / model info / statistics)

also, your profile is a bit old, it says you’re using SU22 on an apple. time to update it :slight_smile:

Use the search function - there are several posts about copying the old materials into 2025. I also updated my templates to not update and have all my usual materials in the template.

Be sure to toggle off the auto convert to the new PBR materials in the preferences.

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