Ask him if this is a Mac only change. It doesn’t work that way on the PC.
thank you. I have downloaded a few of the free courses on the sketch up campus and will be going through those!
If it was an intended change, that’s a bummer because it really is annoying. hopefully its something that can be fixed
I chatted with Trent, and we looked at the different versions. It seems to be an unintended change, and only affects Mac. I’m going to create a bug report about it.
Some news already…
It looks like some HiDPI work may have been done in 2021, that I’m guessing was supposed to do good things. One side effect is that the zoom on Mac on an HD monitor works correctly, but on a Retina monitor it doesn’t. I can drag a LayOut 2021 window from my internal MacBook Pro Retina screen, where I see the zoom problem, to an external HD monitor, and the problem goes away.
Is it possible that when you last saw 2021 appearing to zoom correctly, that you were connected to an external monitor?
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