I am interested in using Style Builder. The Getting started menu says,“Select the Styles item from the Window menu.” My default display does not include a Windows Menu. Default menus are File, Edit, Strokes, Preview, Help. Where is Windows menu?
I think you are looking at the information for SketchUp which does have a Window menu with a ‘Styles’ item. That doesn’t have anything to do with using Style Builder, though.
What is it you want to know about using Style Builder?
After some floundering, I did find the window and styles in the main sketch up program.
I am in the process of learning Sketchup for design build business. I see early that sketch up is more intuitive for modeling than datacad which is my cad software.
However, I want to evaluate the value of Style builder during trial period. I think style refers to graphic presentation and not related to style of building.
Thanks for answering
Yes, there is a Styles window in SketchUp which gives you access to a wide variety of “style settings” which impact the appearance of background, edges, and faces. You can also create watermarks there.
Style Builder is a tool for creating edge styles for a hand drawn look. With it you generate a template that you use as a guide for creating strokes of various lengths. Then you load the template into Style Builder and it creates a style file that you can then use in SketchUp. There are some different settings available that apply certain parameters to the style. Many of those settings can be changed under the Edit tab in the Styles window, too.
I’ve made over 100 styles using Style Builder. Not all work well for all models but sometimes I want a certain style for just one application. It’s quick and easy to use and I enjoy making them.
Here are a few examples of different styles I’ve made.
Textured backgrounds can be made as watermarks although I prefer to add them in post processing.
Hello Dave, I was wondering if you could please help me!
For some reason my stroke in Styles, Sketchy tab has changed and become thick and a bit transparent. How can I restore the original setting for the all (Sketchy) stokes?
Thank you, Esteban
Hello Esteban, go to Window>Preference>OpenGL and turn off UseMaximmum Texture Size. You may need to quit SketchUp and restart it to see a change but generally that seems to take care of it. If it fixes it, check for driver updates for your graphics card.