Windowizer extension won't load in 2024

Here is the response I received from Rick…

Looks like the problem was with the “offset.rb” file. If you have a plain text editor like Notebook (on PC - I don’t know the Mac equivalent), you can change all “Fixnum” to “Integer”, then save the file. If you want to wait, I’ll see about getting a revised version posted to

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Thanks! Seems to be working with those changes to the offset.rb file.

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Also, if this extension still uses an "array.rb" file that modifies the Array class, it needs to be conditionally wrapped as Ruby 2.4+ (SketchUp 2019.0 and higher) defined a more robust summation method for the Array class and the Enumerable module.

unless [].respond_to?(:sum)
  class Array
    def sum
      if self.all? { |num| num.is_a?(Numeric) }
        self.inject(0) {|sum, n| sum + n }
        return 0
    end ### sum()
  end # class
end # conditional monkey patch

This method conflict is why it is generally a code violation to “monkey patch” core Ruby classes in a shared ObjectSpace.

For Ruby 2.0+ refinements can be used. Before this (SketchUp 2013 and older) either a custom subclass or a singleton method defined upon a specific array instance can be used (rather than “monkey patching”.)


Hi Mark!
After editng the code, I still can’t seem to get Windowizer to work. Would you be kind enough to send your Windowizer .rb files so I can get it to work on my end? I have been relying on Windowizer for many years now and would rather not change plugins.

Did you ever get Windowizer4 to work in 2024? I am still trying too.

Yes I did. The instructions are in earlier posts in this thread.

I must be doing something wrong. I can’t get it to work. I will go through it again.

Try this
windowizer21.rb (11.4 KB)

Hi marvinsdad-did you resolve the issue of Windowizer4 Extension for SU 2024 Pro? I encountered problems only recently as I had insisted on using SU 2022 due to active Icon size. I now see Windowizer4 still works on SU 2023 and assume it will be supported until January 31/26.

Hi @diarch ,
The post you’re replying to is almost a year old. When using the @ sign before someone’s forum name, they’ll get a notification.
So @marvinsdad is the way to ping him…