Tags in social media sort information by keywords…i’m guessing that is where they pulled from for the use of “tag” in this case. It also makes sense considered in that context.
Just replace your tags with classifications…
Or… simpler, let me create a tool that lets you switch tags on elements, quickly, based on classifications and their different classification values. For example, tag by Project.Owner.
Something like… Classy Taggy, but more classy
yes i agree wit you. thanks for messages, finally i can find the layer in my skp 2020 now
Since there aren’t any layers in SketchUp 2020, where did you find them?
the name of “Layers” change to “Tags”
the “Tags” menu location has same with older version skp, on the right of your PC
Yes. I’m well aware of that. Your post made it sound like you found Layers in SU2020 instead of realized that the name has been changed.
i am sorry guys, but the functions has same. i can using layers feature in tags menu.
I couldn’t agree with your statement more! Why would they remove the layer tool from SU 2020? what is tags, anyways?
How? I don’t see “add” or “remove” tags(layers) on my version 2020 Pro ver. Tags dropdown is just a solitary with Untagged icon checked. Can you explain? thanks
Except for the change in name from Layers to Tags it’s basically the same. Click on the + in the circle to add a tag. Select a tag and click on the - in the circle to delete it.
Never Mind, I just added tags to my tool tray and =/- shows up. Doing as shown, doesn’t work, I don’t know why, it doesn’t.
It doesn’t work because you opened the Tags toolbar, not the Tags inspector panel in the tray. I have never found any use for the Layers toolbar and of course not no use for the Tags toolbar since the inspector panel is where it’s all at.
if you want to deleted or added tags (layer), you must see on tags menu to the right on your PC. you clik which tags your choice and then klik minus icon (-) for deleted, clik plus icon (+) for added. if you want to activated the tags (layer) you must click on right coloum and than you saw pena symbol.
i feel you knowing this,
i hope this little explain can help you guys
Pada tanggal Sen, 15 Jun 2020 10.04, mesiyar mesi <gmesiyar114@gmail.com> menulis:
Sorry for the absolutely useless post, but I just came across this thread. For the last hour my two young daughters have been driving me insane because they refuse to listen. After reading this though, for some reason I feel way better.
Tell them the big people are just as confused if not more.