Where can I find the layers panel in Pro

Been looking for the layers panel in pro and I can not pull it up

They renamed “Layers” as “Tags”. Doesn’t actually work differently, they just changed the name. Could that be what you mean?

I have been looking on YouTube and apparently it appears under Windows It is a separate panel with ways to create layers and give them colors add and remove but The panel is not under window when I click and tag didn’t show the panel only a tag icon

Older YouTube videos will talk about “Layers” back in the days when they were called that. The last three versions, I think (2020 onward) “Layers” are now called “Tags.” It’s the same thing, they just decided to call them a different name.

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I’m on Mac not Windows, but in the MacOS interface it looks like this:

On Windows it will appear in the Default tray.
Screenshot - 10_4_2022 , 2_13_36 PM

As in the old days of SketchUp layers, Untagged is to remain active at all times. All edges and faces are to be created and remain untagged. Only groups and components get tags.