What's new with 3D Warehouse - December progress report

We’ve reached the halfway point in December and have had the opportunity to address more of your feedback and concerns. Please let us know how we’ve done and what else we might consider to improve 3D Warehouse in the future.

Here are some of the items we’ve looked at with or latest updates:

  1. Bring back “Relevancy” search filter - it is back on the sort menu. Currently we are working to restore our search heuristics back to their former glory so that a simple search like “cat” should show you actual cats and not just models by someone named “cat”.
  2. Related models & collections - We have added this tab back into the model details page along with the “About this Brand” tab.
  3. Tags not Layers - is now fixed, so when you go to a model’s detail page you’ll see “Tag Count” now instead of “Layer Count”
  4. Images with file extensions in capital letters - Image Search was having a hard time with it but now we can now use files where the extension contains capital letters like .JPG or .Jpg or .PNG for image search
  5. "Something doesn’t look right” errors - We should see these clearing up over the next week as we reprocess the files.
  6. Maintaining the selected language - Updated. This should help with retaining your preferred language selection when navigating between 3D Warehouse search and the User Content Manager sides of the platform.
  7. Search Bar persists at the top of the screen - We’ve added the search bar to the header at the top of the screen to make it easy to enter your next search.
  8. Discover what’s new tab on the homepage - This is now the default tab when you visit the homepage. We will be updating this tab with fun / helpful / interesting content on a regular basis. Right now it just has some of Guz’s favorites from the last couple of years.

Those are the updates for now. We’re working on some more highly requested features as we speak and the content team is working on some useful new updates that we will be sharing after the new year.

If you have more requests or find more bugs please let us know here and we’ll work to get it done.
Here’s to a SketchUppy New Year!


Fantastic to see this getting some attention and action. A big Thank You! A few more ideas:

  1. Prevent the warehouse window from closing when a model is downloaded. Leave it open so search history is preserved.

  2. Prevent the warehouse window from closing when a model is downloaded. Leave it open so search history is preserved! Pretty Please?

  3. Allow a persistent choice to always open searches in the “Models” tab rather than the much less useful “Products” tab.


also, the favourite sorting mode.

right now, relevancy is… irrelevant, so it’s either popularity or likes.
but whenever you search a new word, BAM relevancy is back.

that, AND/OR being able to fully resume navigation upon reopening. right now, you download, the window closes, you reopen it, and you can’t go back to the previous pages (navigation history is deleted?)

I don’t use the 3DW a lot but I find myself using it in browser more often for that reason, I can open models in separate tabs, download them and resume my search where I was. and that way, it’s all in separate models that I just need to drag in the project.
man, I would be a good 2021 user right now… :slight_smile:

got one @TheGuz

Latest SU version, win11 is up to date, if I do an image search, I don’t have a scroll bar anymore, and the normal wheelscroll is gone too… here with the vase, 32 results, but I can only see 11 of them, can’t scroll down.
stumbled on it this afternoon.
It’s in both SU and firefox, so not limited to the chromium version
in SU, my warehouse is in french, in firefox, I use the whole SU suit of websites in english. I don’t think it’s language related.
as soon as I click on the image search, the scroll bar is gone, and so is my ability to scroll down. If I don’t search, the scroll bar comes back, but if I pick and image, poof. even on the other pages. the only solution is a full page reload (or close and restart in SU)

here is a video.

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Maybe make this a check box next to the download button or something? I often work off a single screen and would not want the warehosue screen to stay in my face after i download… Yeah, I am a big fan of presets/options!


Ahhh, thank you for reporting that. The scrolling issue is a SOLID bug on our side. It appears that scrolling breaks after Image Search is used. We should have a fix in place by end of day tomorrow.


Sure, that works. I love customizable options, the more the better. I do work with multiple monitors as you say, so it’s easy for me to leave it open, the focus would need to shift back to SU of course. The big ask is getting the search history to persist either way.


The broken scroll issue has been fixed as of this morning. Thanks again for reporting it!


I will also second this idea of a persistent session where the current warehouse page, history, back arrows, etc. are preserved, especially if I can close the window and bring it back up with all of this still running/intact.