What is the best way to send a Sketchup piece to a client?

What is the best way to send a Sketchup piece to a client? Like if I created something for someone do they need the app to view it? Can they access it out of an email attachment?

You can export images from the model and send them in an e-mail. Or you could give the client a link to your model in Trimble Connect and let them look at it with the online viewer.

Depending on what information you need to present you may find that you’d be better off with SketchUp so you can use LayOut to create PDF documents to send to the client. You could do a much more professional looking product for the client that way.

Go has a Share option that you will find in the Menu from the top left Icon. This creates a link you can send to anyone that opens in its own web viewer without the ability to edit the model.

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