How can we share the sketchup model link with our client privately?

We want to share sketchup file for viewing purpose to our client. Is there any way to share the private link (people can view only with link) ?
2. Is there any API available to view Sketch up files in our web based application?

Presumably you don’t want to simply upload it to Dropbox or similar and send a link?

Our client does not want to install the Viewer. We need to provide them link, so he can view online.


You could use Trimble Connect. Simply upload the model and send a link to the client (updated link)

If you don’t want to install anything like viewer on iPad or phone, is the 3D view in 3D Warehouse or Connect good enough? You could send them a link to it.

Is anyone else having the issue when trying to share that it does not recognize an email address? It keeps saying “This field is required” I am using Google Chrome

Just fill in your own email address, the link will appear and you can then copy and mail it to the client.

It is not working. I tried many different email addresses, including my own. It keeps bringing up the error code “This field is required” even when an email address is inputted and valid.

Do you press ‘enter’?

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Ahh… I feel silly. Usually you do not need to press enter. But makes sense, that worked. Thank you!

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When I send the link for the view of my model I am in many angles seeing white instead for colors in the 3d view. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong with my model to get this result in the viewer?

Link for my model:

idk how did you get the screen