Welcome to our forums! Please introduce yourself :)

Who are you? My name is Bill. I’m 50 and from the greater Charlotte, NC (US) area.

What is your industry and profession? I’ve been a support technician for 8 years, was a Web designer before that.

Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally? Personally.

Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? I originally started building models to 2D print and trace for pen and ink artwork, and the models have taken on their own purpose. I love how easy the SketchUp interface is. I’ve poked at Blender; it’s obviously very powerful, but also a bit intimidating.

How proficient are you in SketchUp? Beginner, intermediate, advanced? Here is a link to my gallery post. You be the judge of my skill level. https://forums.sketchup.com/t/newbie-looking-for-feedback/299861

Have you gone to a SketchUp 3DBasecamp? No.

What is your current set up? [Computer type, SketchUp version…etc.] Old AIO and laptop, both second-hand machines , running Ubuntu, using SketchUp Free in Firefox

Do you have a 3D Warehouse page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us? Not yet, hopefully soon, pending final details and cleanup on my most advanced projects.

Anything else you would like to tell us? No lake house, no Ferrari.

What is your favorite Emoji?

Do you enjoy long walks on the beach…? Very much so! I lived in St. Augustine, FL for many years. I recommend a visit there to anyone.

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