Web Version Text all going Black

I’m using SketchUp for Web and have recently started seeing a rendering issue where all text (dimension lines, annotations, labels) turns solid black after refreshing the page or reopening a model.

I’ve tested this in both Chrome and Edge with hardware acceleration turned off. WebGL is working fine. It happens regardless of font or style settings and wasn’t happening before — so I believe this is a new bug introduced in a recent update.

Please let me know if others are seeing this and whether there’s a fix coming or a workaround.

A quick look through the SketchUp for Web category would show you numerous threads on this topic. It’s a known problem and the developers are working on it.

We do have this fixed, and hopefully it will be included in the next update of the web version.


Issue should be resolved now.

Please refresh and try again

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Thanks! yes it seems ok now