Warehouse items found on website missing from warehouse from program

Howdy - I was looking in SketchUp Pro 2021’s warehouse for a “Concrete Deck Block” but couldn’t find one, so I Googled it and found the exact one I needed on SketchUp’s website warehouse under “Concrete Deck Block (7-3/4” x 10-3/4" x 10-3/4")".

I was logged in on both sites, so why couldn’t the program warehouse find what was available from the website warehouse?



Do you mean one of these two?

They clearly show up for me in the 3D Warehouse when accessed through SketchUp 2021. Perhaps you were looking under Products and not Models?

By the way, your profile says you are using the free web version. Please correct that to show the Pro version. That information helps us help you.

Yep, you got it. I searched under the default “Products”, not Models.


When you are searching for things it doesn’t hurt to look under both of them.

Thank you all!

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