Using Warehouse models in your personal work

Hi, I’ve read the terms of use for the Warehouse, but I just want to be sure, cause it doesn’t specifically address certain questions. I’m wondering, if for instance, we are making a 3d render of an architectural interior, and we are using models that are available in the Warehouse, like a pillow, a glass, a vase or a sofa or something similar… are we really legally allowed to use that as part of our own project? I mean, the premise of it makes it feel like that’s the idea. And if so, does that mean that we can see models that we’ve uploaded being used in Hollywood movies, in the video games that we play, and then go ‘Wait a second, I’ve modeled that’… So how does that specifically works? If we use whatever model from warehouse in our own work, do we need to credit it? Are we allowed to use it like that in the first place? Is it just for the reference? It wasn’t quite clear to me from just reading the terms of use.


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I’m not a lawyer, but you are allowed to use it. When you upload things and you want to credit it, before you upload, you can Window->Model Info->Credits and click Claim Credit. You don’t need to credit - that’s your option. If you want to use 3dwarehouse to store the model, you can mark it private.


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