Using scenes and layers


I was wondering if anyone had a minute to explain this to me- I have just watched a tutorial which suggests using scenes to toggle the visibility of my CAD drawing on and off. Am I missing something here though because it seems simpler to me to just use layers for this purpose, placing the floor plan on it’s own layer, which you can turn on and off.

What is the benefit to using a scene for the reference floor plan? I am struggling a little with the theory of how scenes work in general actually- can anyone recommend a good tutorial?

I would really like a bit of an overview/ introduction to how is best to organise drawings using layers, groups, components and scenes for interior design. Eg. When putting together a presentation package of a new build, or a construction drawing package- how do people set about organising their work? I don’t want to confuse myself with too many separate layers and scenes when not necessary. As organisation is key, I want to have a better idea of general process’s people follow which allow for changes to be made easily.

Thanks in advance.

It’s a big topic.

In general, layers work differently from the way they do in AutoCad, say. Layers in SU are mainly used for organising Groups and Components and scenes are used for controlling what you see. A great thing about SU is its flexibility, so you don’t have to follow this standard. Whatever works for you.

As you have Pro, you also have Layout. LO is the way to present drawings and is a 2D representation of whatever you have drawn. So when displaying a drawing, you generally import an SU scene already set up. You don’t alter it once in LO (apart from setting the scale, for example) or you break the connection and prevent future updates. You can’t achieve all this with layers alone.

Thank you, that makes sense. “Scenes are used to control what you see, Layers are used to organise groups and components.” Simple.

I think it is because I am so used to using layers to control what you see in my autocad drawings that it was causing me a bit of confusion.

Yes, it’s very common for transferees (like me!).

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Thank you, it’s so helpful to get clarification on the basic concepts to gain a strong foundation of understanding!

That’s what we be here for!

I would say that visibilty is controlled by Layers, the only difference with the common concept is that it does not prevent merging of geometry. Only Components and Groups do that.

Hence the suggested workflow: Leave all loose Geometry on the default Layer0. If you have drawn something you can ‘Buy or Build’ (eg. the leg of a table, the wall off a room etc.) Group it (Triple click to select all connected loose geometry, rightclick on the selected loose geometry, give it a usefull name (Entity Info, name the instance)

You can set up different settings in a scene, to get back to a camera viewpoint, use a sketchy style, or toggle the visibility of different objects that are ssigned to specific layers

Scenes remember which layers are toggled on or off and in that perspective, seem to control visibility, but it is actually the layers.

eg. if you assign a chair to layer ‘Furniture’ and you have set up a scene 1 were the visibility of that layer is turned off, assigning the chair to the default Layer0 will let the chair ‘pop up’, no matter how hard you click on the scene 1 tab

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Yes, makes sense, thanks :+1:

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