I’m using Sketchup Make 2017 on windows 10 - just dl’d and installed a bezier curve extension - it shows as enabled in the extension manager. I have restarted Sketchup, but don’t see a tool with that description - how do I access the extension’s functionality?
Which Bezier curve extension exactly?
It’s titled Bezier Tool v1.1.0, author Sketchup, unsigned.
If there’s another you’d recommend, fire away.
From the Extension Warehouse page:
To draw a Bezier curve:
Choose Draw > Bezier Curves
Click to set a start point
Click again to set the end point of the line
Move the cursor to adjust the first curve
Click to apply the first curve
Move the cursor to create the second curve
Click to set the second curve
I like Fredo’s Bezier Spline extension from Sketchucation. Make sure you also install LibFredo6 which contains files to support most of his extensions.
Is the fact that the one I’ve downloaded is unsigned of any concern?
No. Unless you severely restrict the Loading Policy in the Extension Manager.
Thanks for your help today - I’ll get Fredo’s extension
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