“Unexpected File Format” error

Help ! me too
My whole project working drawings !!!

Was working fine yesterday

Some good news. The file had some materials that were corrupt. The file wouldn’t open in 2021, but we added some thing in 2022 to cope better when materials are corrupted like that. I saved it as a 2022 file, and that file did open in 2021. I saved again in 2021, so it should work for you without showing any warning messages.

That does mean some materials may be missing, presumable they were in use by a component you recently added.

The repaired file is here:


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Colin has sorted the corrupted materials for you. Besides those materials, I note incorrect tag usage…
Screenshot - 3_29_2022 , 4_34_08 PM

…and a ton of unused stuff in the file.
Screenshot - 3_29_2022 , 4_34_57 PM

You would be less likely to have issues if you make sure tags are used correctly and that you keep the model clean. Purging unused stuff from your file reduced the file size by more than 58%.

You are a F’ing legend Colin

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