Unexpected dimension change

My Layout model dimensions suddenly changed from mm to an unknown unit? For example all my 220mm wall thicknesses suddenly show 6 and the 110mm ones became 3? What am I missing? This happened on the GF page, while the UF page is still correct.
Thank you

Hard to say without seeing the file. Please share the LayOut file so we can help you out with it.

Thank you for the reply!

I cannot upload the file, apparently too big. I will upload two screenshots to try and illustrate the problem.

Thank you again

Second screenshot

Upload the file to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.

I tried “We Transfer”

You’ll have to stand on the WC seat to be able to close the door.

The dimensions on that page are disconnected from the model reference and are all showing paper space dims in mm. The 6 is for a 6mm line on the paper. If you move the viewport on that page you will see none of the dimensions move with it. I’m not sure yet how the dims all got disconnected, the reconnect to model is not available for any of them. There are some odd things going on here, the ortho scale for that page is set to “Current Scale (1:37.0526)” the next page is set to “Current Scale (1:35.5694)”

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Sorry. I was working with a LayOut file for someone else. EF has you sorted though.

This indicates that the scale was never intentionally set for the viewports. You should do that before you start adding dimensions. And then you need to make sure you are anchoring the dimensions to the model. Autoscale should be enabled in the Dimension panel. If it’s not you will see incorrect dimensions when you place them.

Thank you Dave, I will try some more. All the dimensions were properly connected and suddenly just changed. The Viewport scale is associated with the sizing of the port therefore the difference between the two pages. I didn’t set it to something specific upfront. I thought it will not really make a difference. The “Autoscale” is enabled on both pages. Whenever I add a new dimension on the problem page the value is actually correct…

Yes, resizing the viewport before selecting a scale will result in the scale changing. You should set a standard scale for the viewport before you resize it. The scale should be some standard scale and for viewports like these two, they should be the same.

I guess at this point it’s not possible to identify how they became disconnected. Possible the points you anchored them to in the model were deleted or the persistent ID’s for those points were lost in editing the model.

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