I’m doing a car and if finished mostly and I was looking around and found that somehow one side the is a 1mm drop. I was wonder how I could fix that with redoing some of the side. The other side is perfect, so is there some way I could that?. Also, I realize my floor not connected properly to the car. Can you please help me fix the two issues. My dragster.skp (863.9 KB)
I can’t see your model right now (mobile) but you could just model one half and mirror a copy to the other side. This would save you time and effort. And it takes care of the mistake in the half that you trow away.
It seems it may be more complicated than that. i’m not sure what going on but i not joining up to edges. That what i tried before i just did a rectangle, but the car shape more complicated than that.
I’m not seeing any problems on the floor of the model:
All the corners of the floor are 20mm above the bottom of the front tyre (which I moved to the origin before labelling the corner points)
Nor any difference in level between two sides of the roof.
Where is the 1mm discrepancy you referred to?
On a separate issue, I see that several parts of your model have ‘reversed faces’. This will later make it more difficult to render properly.
Change your Face Style to Monochrome, and edit the Style to show back faces in a distinctive colour (I chose red to make it very visible).
Also, you haven’t made any use of groups or components, which makes life much harder for you. All your geometry is connected, and ‘sticky’ - if you move or change any point or edge, it will drag other geometry with it.
Read up about the proper use of components, groups and layers in the Help.
If you look under the car there is a 1 mm gap on one side. Ill attach a screenshot to help.Floor.pdf (91.8 KB). Why would i render, an ive already coloured it so it fine, i think. Why is using components, groups and layers important?
I can get the middle of the bottom floor fine but i where the wheels are both ends that im having difficulty.Floor.pdf (167.9 KB)
I’m sorry, but I still can’t identify from your pdf image where the problem lies.
There is something odd about your model, in that when I try to draw a rectangle to replace the major part of the floor, after deleting the face that makes it at the moment, even if I tap the Up arrow key to create the rectangle normal to the blue axis, the rectangle doesn’t make a face. I don’t know why that is happening though.
Can you put a text label on the small face, and/or the corner of the floor that you say is 1mm off, in your model itself, not just an image?
You should have made a group of the floor faces, by double clicking all and grouping. Then rotating the group in the red direction from the good (lower side) and finding an inference on the surface rotate the higher side down. Rotation will snap to a level position in this case
.Some other ideas.
Get rid of the layer you added. When prompt appears return all entities to Layer0. Don’t add layers until you know how to use them.
Use groups and components for parts of the model, Components for repetitive items like wheels. Try modeling half the car (taking care with the center line faces), so you do things only once. You can combine the halves at any time.
Use a style that helps you see what is going on. Your outside faces (visible in the finished model) should be Front faces.
Don’t unnecessarily hide or smooth edges or faces until finishing up. Don’t add textures until later. Use “Hidden Geometry” on to help you see the edges while modeling or just leave them hard and smooth later.
Don’t be afraid to just start a new model with what you’ve learned.
Some of these ideas may need further explanation. Learning the basics of the program should clear most of this up. Here’s a file with some organization done for example, but conceptual arrangement and modeling left as-is. Good start! My dragster 2.skp (1.3 MB)
Why is using components, groups and layers important?
Groups and components make it easy to isolate parts to work on them, both in keeping the geometry from “sticking” to other parts (and changing them) and in clarity during modeling (component edit: hide rest of model). Components have the added factor that “instances” of a component are all the same. When you edit one, the others change. In the case of the floor, a group of the floor can make it easier to manipulate without screwing up other parts of the model. To edit a component or group, double-click on it to “open” it.
Layers is used to hide groups and components, especially in making scenes. Not so important at this stage in this model.
The LEARNING CENTER has some great tutorials that will greatly assist your understanding of the software. The Sketchup Fundamentals is a good starting point.