I’m a long time users of Google Sketchup for Mac. I’m running OS X 10.10.2
After downloading and setting up Sketchup 2015, I tried to use the fill tool and select a material in the window. The first time I did so, it allowed me to choose the material (a wood grain), but wouldn’t fill the selected object. I tried to go back and could no longer select ANY material. The fill tool works fine when I select a color. I have the faces texture turned on in the menu.
I’ve since tried to open earlier versions of Sketchup and they no longer work as expected (even on older drawings with materials in the drawing). I’ve deleted the current application and the older versions and gone into the /Library/Applications Support folder and ~/Library/Applications folder and cleared out all references to Sketchup and Google Sketchup. After reinstalling just 2015, the problem persists.
I don’t have any extensions nor plugins installed. Just the base application.
In your ‘Apple’ ColorPicker do you have any extensions installed?
there are ‘Color Pickers’ folders in each Library…
In the past there were ‘some’ of these extensions that played havoc in SU…
they show up in the dialog…
I found that the drag and drop method worked per your suggestion. Thanks!
However, as a work around it’s going to be clunky. It also doesn’t explain the direct click method used to work in the older versions, worked briefly in this new version (in so far as at least being able to click to select the material/ texture), then broke all versions I had installed at the time. This indicates to me there’s a configuration file somewhere that I’ve missed that is corrupted somehow.
Come to think of it, when I get a minute, I’m going to check my user directory for a hidden file as how else would Sketchup know about recent files?
For those following at home:
I’ve found the issue.
One thing I failed to mention in the original post since I thought it had ZERO bearing on the problem, is that I’m running Synergy between two Macs to share keyboard and mouse between them. My Macbook Pro, where Sketchup is installed, has never had a problem with using the other Mac’s (mini) mouse for Any other application (and still doesn’t). For some reason, there’s a difference in the mouse click using Synergy vs. the mouse click on the built-in trackpad.
This phenomenon only occurs in this one place in Sketchup as I mentioned that I’m fully able to select color fills from the other tabs. This only happens with materials/textures, even with new “collections” that I create within the materials list.
I’m still unsure as to why it happens with my older versions of Sketchup as well unless there was a change in the last security release for OS X that affects the mouse driver(s).
Thank you for your suggestions. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Sketching.
It’s not hidden, they appear in the plist file…
manually deleting the plist DOESN’T work since ‘Mavericks’ as they are auto re-generated by ‘Apple’ [not SU]…
this article has some background…
[mainly the intro…][1]
[1]: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20130908042828630
there are ways to do it, but not easily…
I’ve a similar issue wanting to use an authentic wood grain but finding the palette very poor in this. I’ve brought in my own wood grain and end grain but the effect is of someone has just a spare off cut of wood grain wallpaper and is determined to use it up no matter how it looks, resulting in the grain going in all directions. I want to put end grain on the end and the grain going with the length, any ideas?
I can think of two possible interpretations for what you describe. I’ll discuss them in turn below. For more details on using materials/textures, see this help center page.
The “spare off cut of wood grain wallpaper” sounds like you are seeing “tiling”, which is what SketchUp (and most other apps) does when the texture image is smaller than the face you are asking it to cover. It repeats the image across the length and width of the face until it gets enough to cover the whole thing. In that case you have two choices, both involving making the texture large enough to cover the face. Note that this is a question of the model units into which the image is mapped by the texture, not the pixel dimensions of the image.
You can start over, and when you import the image as a texture first draw a rectangle the real length of whatever you photographed and drag the image out to cover that rectangle’s length as you import. The width will take care of itself based on the image’s aspect ratio - it may be narrower or wider than the rectangle you drew, but the texture will be the right size. Assuming the original was at least as large as the face you are now trying to cover, you are all set.
You can edit the existing texture to stretch it so that a single repeat covers the face. If you right click on the face and select Texture->Position you will enter a mode that lets you move, stretch, rotate, etc. the texture. This mode can be a bit confusing, so please consult the help page referenced earlier to learn how it works. This technique will affect how the texture is mapped to just that one face. To alter it permanently and globally, in the materials window right-click the material and choose “edit”. In the editor, change the length or width at the bottom of the edit window to make the material big enough to cover the face. Note: stretching the texture may produce a unrealistic look if you make it larger than the actual size of the original object you photographed.
You might be applying the material to the exterior of a group or component instead of opening the group/component for edit and applying the texture to individual faces. When you apply a texture to the exterior, SketchUp will usually start with the face beneath where you clicked and wrap the texture around the adjacent edges. This will keep long grain the same way around a board, but will also wrap it onto the ends. Also, when it is applied to a group or component, you don’t have the Texture->Position context menu to adjust it and therefore you can’t do anything about tiling.
One more thought: I hope you took separate photos of the face and end grain and made two separate textures from them. If they are present together in a single image taken at an angle to the board, there is no way you are ever going to get the material to look right in SketchUp!