My lovely partner regularly uses Sketchup Pro 2021 for projects. Over the weekend, she keeps running into an issue (bug?) where, after hours of tinkering, the active file suddenly doesn’t allow her to hide objects, or unhide previously hidden objects. Right-click context menu has them grayed out for the hide or unhide respectively. This is outwardly frustrating her. The temptation is to go back to the older/working file after taking a break and starting over, but this feels impractical. I want to see if others here can help us determine if this is a known problem and/or if others run into this and have a recommended fix.
Apologies in advance if I’m not providing enough details, as I am not a user of this program. If needed, I can try to get more details with the right questions. Any help/insight appreciated!
Files smaller than about 15MB can be uploaded directly to the forum. But yours is bigger. Any file sharing site will do - Dropbox, Google drive, we transfer, etc. Just make sure the share is public and provide a link in a post here.
There was problem with a recent version go SketchUp Pro (I don’t recall if it was 2020 or 2021) where the context menu would misbehave after a while. The only solution was to restart Sketchup. A fix was provided in a later update to the version afflicted with the problem. If you are not running the last version of 2021 then you may want to install that last version (I don’t recall the exact version number or date of release, sorry).