Turbo-Jet Engine


Nice and clean…

What renderer did you use?

I think this OP might be very interested in how you did the blades!

Pardon my ignorance, but… What’s an OP?
Thanks for the referral.

Original poster.

Took me a while to work it out, too, the first time I saw the abbreviation.

So, yeah, how’d you pull that off? Not the rendering, I mean, just the blades themselves…

I used KerkyThea with direct sunlight and the Metropolis Light Transport (MLT) algorithm.

This is all your fault, @franquin. After your questions about modeling blades, I couldn’t quit doodling with different approaches. I created two airfoil shapes and used Spirix to morph one into the other. Here’s a video of the process:


I don’t know whether to take the blame or the credit…

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Some random blade shapes made from the same two profiles using differing interpolations:

Possibly a bit overkill on the polygons (but it renders nicely):

I love people that share like that. Nice work.

Brilliant work Man!

Very cool!! But I have been trying to get models from Sketch Up to Solid Works, and although it will come into Solid Works it is just a pretty photo you can’t snap on anything.
Any suggestions?
