Trying to use the FollowMe tool

In this pictute i have tried alot to make paraboloid using follow me tool .
If anyone can help me to make this shapeparaboloid-part-figure-parabola-z--axis-cross

Draw a line across the bottom of the parabola so there’;s a face for Follow Me to act on. Select the circle, get Follow Me, click on the face under the parabola.

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A quicky with a bezier curve.


Thanks alot

Thanks alot ,it works immediately.

I have traced an image to produce the profile (two-dimensional component) of a wood molding. I have added the component into a new document and placed it where I want it (touching the edge of a rectangle), but I cannot, for the life of me, get it the Follow Me tool to get it automatically follow along the perimeter of the room. I saw a YouTube tutorial for this process, and it all looked so simple. But, if I select the rectangle perimeter, it won’t let me select anything on the shape using the Follow Me tool. If I select the component (using the select tool) the selection is useless once I click on the Follow Me tool to get started.

I’m sure it’s something simple that I’m missing, but I’m stuck.

Thanks in advance for any helpful advice.

Grace to you,

After selecting the edges around the top of the walls, get Follow Me, right click on the molding profile component, choose Edit Component, and click on the profile. Don’t worry about the edges of the wall becoming deselected.

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What Dave said will do what you want, but for general interest there is a perimeter mode for the Follow Me tool. In my screen recording I do not select anything before using the Follow Me tool. I do the right-click, edit group, that Dave talked about (though he was meaning the profile and not the face as is my case), and once I am in the group and the follow me action has started, I tapped the Command key (that would be Alt on Windows) to invoke the perimeter mode.

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Thanks for your help (both of you). I must have done something wrong in creating my “component” shape. I can’t get either method to work as you say. Sorry.

Do you have a small example file you could add to your next reply?

Sure. I will include two (2) files. The one where I was experimenting with the Follow Me tool (first with my component and then with just a simple rectangle). And, in a separate file I will include the component I created and had hoped to use.

TEST Using Moulding Components.skp (13.5 KB)
MOULDING Crown Small SchereBros 54.skp (84.5 KB)

In your test file both the face and the molding are inside groups. That makes it be more complicated than Dave’s suggestion. Here is the model with only the molding being in a group, and Dave’s directions should work.

TEST Using Moulding Components.skp (13.5 KB)

For the moulding file, you have the object inside a component, inside another component. That would make the steps be harder too.

As an altrnative which I often use for Follow Me, you can trace the path while the component is open for editing so the path and the profile geometry are in the same context. Sometimes that might be a little extra work but it’s often easier to manage. And yet another workflow, since the rectangle for the path is grouped, you could trace it and explode the molding profile, again so they are in the same context. This I will do when I might want to use the path several times for different extrusions like a crown molding, chair rail, and baseboard. The path does not have to touch the profile.

Thanks, but how did I end up with the multiple layers? I think I only used the “Make Component” action one time. Is there something going on that I don’t comprehend? Clearly there is.

I’m clearly too dense to use this application. Here’s what I get when trying to select the face using the Follow Me tool in the file you just provided to me.

It’s not multiple layers. It’s multiple levels of component/group nesting. Likely you made the molding profile a component and then saved the whole file which you imported into the other model. That would result in this nesting or double wrapping. If instead you’d saved the component by itself, either by right click on the component and Save as… or drag and drop in the Components panel and then bringing the profile in from the Components panel, you wouldn’t have the extra level of nesting.

For this question, that’s the moment when you would right-click and Edit Group. Then the no entry symbol should go away.

Well, I finally got it to work. The problem is, I don’t know what I did “right” to make it work.

I’m a sad, sad case, I am.
TEST Using Moulding Components r1.skp (19.9 KB)

There are several ways you could have gotten to this point but at some point all of the groups/components in your model were exploded so now it’s all loose geometry.

Do you have a more realistic thing that you are trying to put molding around? A cabinet or something?

Yes, Dave. But right now I’m just trying to learn so that when it comes time to do the real thing, I have some sense that I know what I’m doing.

Any good online course that you, personally, would recommend?