Trimble signin and ad blockers

I don’t know what the Sign In To All Things SketchUp page is doing behind the scenes, but it runs afoul of my ad blocker (Ghostery) in Safari on macOS. I have to turn off the Ghostery extension, empty the cache, and reload the page before any of the id or password fields will appear. The blocking behavior suggests that the page is doing something risky such as cross-site scripting. Does anyone know if that is true?

As best I can tell, I already did that without success. I found an additional setting in macOS that can disable blockers on specific sites but haven’t tried it yet.

yeah, seems like they changed up the log in process, even my Windows Edge (with all those super-duper-pooper-scooper protection features) will cause it to fail, sometimes several times in a row - although i’m not sure if it’s solely MS fault as some errors look like network infrastructure on the Trimble side of things.

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