Trimble Logins - Much confusion

As I’m designing a multi story building I thought I would try Trimble Connect to see if I can make use of any X-ref type features and got myself in a confused muddle.

For a start, the Windows app won’t let me log in using a google account…

I’m also having this problem with trying to get SU VR to work but the support peeps are befuddled as to why this keeps happening.

And when I am in on Trimble connect (web version) there are folders with models that need to be ‘converted’ and some other weird viewer comes up.

Also, what is the difference with me being logged into SketchUp and Trimble, they seem to be completely different!

Then I try and view that stuff on an iPad (same google account login) and all I see is some random old stuff I uploaded to 3D warehouse.

I’m going back to local files!

Your old Google sign in might have taken it’s own Trimble ID. The security rules for Trimble Connect are different, so the password that you use for Google sign in might not work. It might have worked in the past ('All things SketchUp, 3D Warehouse)

You can use the yellow Trimble ‘sign in’, fill in the google mail, but then do the ‘Forgot Password’ procedure and reset the ‘Trimble’ password. Once set, you should could use the Google sign in again.

In the web version of Trimble Connect, clicking on one or more models opens up a tab en loads the 3D Viewer. These are converted to the TrimBIM format. Trimble Connect can display 72 different file formats but in order to combine and create clash sets, they need to be the same format. Sometimes, stopping the conversion and clicking again on the eye(con) in front will trigger a faster conversion.

I see you downloaded the Sync App, but you could try the Trimble Connect for Windows App first. This will work on your laptop, doesn’t need to be connected to the cloud all the time (When starting a new project, you can choose to ‘Publish’ or not) and works faster (Viewing only!)

Do you use the SketchUp App or the Trimble Connect App?

Thanks Mike - It’s going to take me a while to unravel. I’m on a drawing push at the moment so I’ll sort it out when I’m a bit less manic!

For the iPad I am using the SketchUP app - is the trimble one better?