Touch gestures sensitivity

Would be nice to add option for setting sensitivity of touch gestures (pan, orbit, zoom) or at least make default far more sensitive. Its very difficult to navigate sketchup for iPad using only touch, like riding old mule. Im using other modeling programs on ipad as well and some of them are really well balanced.

Other than that i prefer ipad version over desktop experince. And its only reason Im using magic trackpad with ipad, just for rotating sketchup model :D. Keep working good job.

Kind regards Jan

Hi Jan,
Thanks for the feedback.
Could you please elaborate a bit about what you mean when you say that the gestures are not sensitive enough? If there were settings available, what do you imagine the settings would allow you do? Would they take the form of a single slider, or would you want sliders for each nav gesture?
You mentioned that you’ve used some other apps that seem more “balanced” – which other apps should we be looking at, in order to get a feel for what you’d prefer?

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Hello Mike,

Thank you in advance for your interest. The programs I remember are Procreate (here, a direct comparison might not be entirely accurate as horizon isn’t considered), and the second program is “Nomad Sculpt.”

I also attached video showing the differences.
touch gestures video

If I were to compare both programs in terms of navigation with SketchUp, it would look something like this:

Procreate - Most sensitive gestures, occasionally counterproductive during work. I prefer consistent sensitivity when zooming towards the surface (there is no way to stuck on surface). Pan to touch gesture is 1:1. No fatigue even after hours of work.

Nomad Sculpt - Absolutely refined rotation sensitivity. Zooming is the weakest point among the mentioned, zoom is far less sensitive then other programs and also lacks acceleration to counter balance it. Pan is 1:1

SketchUp touch gestures - Rotation sensitivity is totaly off, might be understandable for simple models with the use of xray style. Nevertheless, after a few hours, modeling becomes tiring. Zooming is refined, the acceleration curve balances surface stucking.

SketchUp touchpad - Rotation sensitivity and pan are really good. The major downside is the feeling of disconection and the need to pay and carry the device just for the mentioned features. Honestly, I don’t want to use a touchpad and keyboard, but I’m forced to do so.

Navigation in none of the above-mentioned programs is flawless, but… There’s no single obstacle to prevent users from deciding how things move on the screen. It’s essentially three lines in the settings, yet all developers ignore it. After all, it’s the most crucial aspect for touch devices, ensuring users feel the software responds correctly.

I would appreciate if, in the future, SketchUp could incorporate:

Rotation - Rotation sensitivity slider (optionally, even the ability to enable gesture acceleration “exponential curve”, giving users a choice).

Movement - I don’t think changing the 1:1 setting is necessary, but a slider would provide an option for users who value it. I that case slider with midpoint 1:1 would be prefered.

Zoom - Zoom sensitivity slider (optionaly to disable gesture acceleration, which is currently default and balance surface stucking, optionaly disable sensitivity change when zooming towards the surface, present in SketchUp since the beginning).

Kind regards Jan