Titleblock templates missing

Hi all,

It appears some layout templates are missing when creating a new layout document with my computer, as seen below:

Apparently a topic has already been opened about this issue but unfortunately for me, it didn’t solved the problem.

I tryed the “repair” procedure with the installer as well as changing the language to “english” at the installation, which were even worse for the 2nd procedure. Only one blank template was available by selecting only “english” installation. Nothing solved out the issue.

The default embedded templates in Layout are good looking, is there a solution to use them in my case? Like downloading them for example?

Many thanks for your help

Just had the same issue, go to (edit>preferences>folders>restore defaults)

I tried (edit>preferences>folders>restore defaults) but same same

I answered the same question recently, which first involved me finding out the answer! The reason those templates are missing is because they have a lot of English language in them, and it was decided to leave them out rather than have to translate them into a lot of other languages.

If you have had your own similar template in the past, where you took the time to edit the English phrases, you could open one of those files, delete everything that is project specific, and File/Save As Template to add that to your own templates.

Indeed, I’ve read your answer on another post regarding this issue. The thing is that even after reinstalling Sketchup in english, I couldn’t find the templates, only one single blank template.

As a new user of Sketchup, I do not have any templates and to have all of them already embedded was one reason for which I bought the license.

I guess that an easy way for your users to get these templates would be for you to provide a download link, allowing then the users to translate them if they need to. But it is a shame they are no more available!

Could you do so ?

Many thanks

Or any one of us could post an individual template here. I’ll ask if that would be ok.

On the not seeing the other templates, I thought that it was based on the SketchUp language, but it could be based on both that and the OS language. Is your OS English?

I’ll ask more questions upstairs (yes, we work downstairs from the developers!).

The entire collection of OEM templates would zip up to less than 1 Mb.

@vince2, is there a specific template or templates you have to have? Is there some reason you don’t make your own custom templates?

I found out more things. Whether you see those templates are based on the language you have set, and also on your region settings. If both are English you get all the other templates.

The templates are embedded anyway, so for anyone to get any template, go here on Windows:

C:\ProgramData\SketchUp\SketchUp 2020\LayOut\templates

or here on Mac:


I don’t have alternate languages installed on Windows, when I do the Windows path may look slightly different.

Got it ! Thank you so much for this answer which solved it.

I just have to select the ones I need, adapt, translate, and save them as template. They show up then at the start page.
And I can keep my OS language in french :wink:

Thanks for your reactivity!

That’s OK they already are in the hard drive :slight_smile:

I prefer to adapt something already nice than start from scratch something for which I am not sure of the final result !