This does not appear to be a sketchup model, HELP!

Hello, I recovered a project from deleted files but I cannot open it. I don’t want to remodel. Can you help me? @colin
Model File (GoogleDrive)

That seems to be a random chunk of data from your hard drive. Do you have a copy of the backup SKB file?

Unfortunately it was also recovered from the deleted files. I change the SKB format to SKP but it won’t open.It still uploaded, can you check it?
SKB File

Alas, it is very common that recovered files, especially binary ones, are hopelessly mangled and not usable.

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That looks the same as the SKP. No idea why your files suddenly point to random data.

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So Bad :sob: :sob:
Thanks for making the effort

Because these files were created by scavenging old (and possibly re-used) blocks from the computer’s file system after the original file was deleted. Recovering a deleted file from a computer file system is fraught with peril as @slbaumgartner mentioned.

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