Textures change when importing my house in topography

Hi! I’m new to Sketchup. When I import my house in the file with the other houses arround the field, the textures change on the other houses. The wood become white and I can’t change it. It looks like the same material is there, but it won’t appear the right way. Does someone know how to change it? Thank you

Share the .skp file so we can see what you have set up in your model.

Your profile says you are using SketchUp for Schools which is a web based version for school children. Is that correct?

Oh no, so it’s the standard version.

The desktop version? So you have a Pro subscription? Please correct your profile.

And share the .skp file.

Looks like the file is way too big…

Upload it to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.

Heres the link. Unique Download Link | WeTransfer
I want to upload it in the Vext part of the model2024 file

OK. When I imported the Au_fil … file into the other file it showed as black for me. That’s because you have Color by Tag turned on.

Turning off Color by Tag sorted that. I don’t know where you want it so I didn’t rotate it.

Before doing that I went through both files to clean them up a bit.

In Model2024 I fixed incorrect tag usage.

Then purged unused content. You’re hoarding a lot of components and materials. That just bloats your file and makes it more difficult to work with.

This reduced this file size by 89%

In the other file I did the same thing. Not as many edges mistagged but some.

Lots of hoarding though.

And a number of excessively large textures.

That reduced this file by 85%.

Take some time to learn how to use groups, components, and tags correctly. Start at learn.sketchup.com

I notice in this file all your geometry is ungrouped

You should learn to use groups and components. Leaving all the geometry loose as you have will make your work more difficult.

Here’s a link to the combine files. You’ll have to move the house where you want it to go.

Thank you so much!
The problem is that this part is not suppose to be white. When oppening the file, it’s the wood texture, but when I uppload my house, it change to white

That’s because you used the texture image for the tag instead of properly applying the texture to the faces. With Color by Tag turned off, the wood grain is not displayed. Instead the “Snow” color you applied to those faces is displayed.

You can turn on Color by Tag again but you’ll need to do something with that ohter house so it’s not displayed as a black blob. The right thing to do would be to not use Color by Tag in this case and instead apply the textures to the faces.

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Thanks for the help!