Terrain in leveling

Hello Sketchers,

I have geolocation terrain in leveling. And i drew next to that same terrain without leveling (fully flat) . How can I make my terrain same leveling as geolocation image? I will also scale my terrain same as the geolocation image. Don’t pay attention to it.

Thank you in advance!

Duplicate the ‘geolocation terrain in leveling’ and delete its texture.

But I don’t have geolocation terrain in leveling it’s image

A lot of useful information is missing from the image you posted.

Model terrain.skp (2.7 MB)

When I delete texture I delete whole image. I need to make my terrain same nivelation (leveling) as image from geolocation.

Sorry my English is not on high level. I hope you understand me now. :frowning:

Do you want to apply/conform the ‘terrain’ on the right over the geolocated model from origin?

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Yess, to have exactly the same nivelation.

Use Sandbox > Drape

Basics of SketchUp at Campus - learn.sketchup.com

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Thank you !

Just dropped this week :wink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIgNGlR9wJY