I am working on a project that has four retaining walls. The two lower level walls are 4’ tall and the upper ones are 3’ tall. I cannot figure out how to get the walls placed in the terrain so that’s there’s a flat planting area in between them as well as the ground flat in between the two lower walls. Does anyone have any tricks for creating terraced retaining walls. Thanks!
Draw a cross section (on a piece of paper), marking the four retaining walls and also the top view that goes with the cross section. So we can see what you are trying to achieve. Include that in our next post.
This isn’t a direct answer to that question, but as you’re awaiting further suggestions from the community… the first thing I thought of was this (free, self-paced) SketchUp Campus course → SketchUp for Landscape and Site Design
I test-drove this course long ago, and I remember it addressing flat planter areas in the context of sloping terrain. I think you’ll find some useful techniques in this course that will help you with your SketchUp project.
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Maybe SandBox Tools → From Contours.
Draw ‘grade’ lines to transition behind wall steps.
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