Taking a Break from Live Modeling

Hi all! I wanted to post to let you all know that it will be a few more weeks before we get live modeling back up and running. The real truth is that the Fireside Chats (which I hope most of you are attending) are a lot more work that I initially expected, and I am having a hard time balancing both events AND keeping on top of the rest of work, life, and everything.

I know a few of you have messaged asking when we will be a back at it and I will say that the latest will be in November, for sure. We may be changing a few things, too! So keep an eye out for updates!


The chats are great!


I gonna breathe some life in components now, I’ll be good…


You have a life too besides SketchUp? :kissing_heart:
You should buy a 3d printer…


Is this about finding new nice looking T-shirts with catchy texts, to go with the flow show?

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You caught me! COVID delayed my new T-shirt shipments… waiting for Amazon to let me know when I can get in front of the camera, again.


Whatever the cause may be, I do appreciate the live modeling sessions and the work and entertainment that you and @Jody put into them. :+1:


Waaaah!.. at least we get our weekly Sketchup fix with fireside chat. Keep up the good work!


When you get back to it, here’s something for you to tackle.
Dusenberg SJ Mormon Meteor


you bought this back too?

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Hah! I wish. Actually I’d trade the Thunderbird for this one. :slight_smile: My wife would not agree to that, though.


As an Europatriot, I would prefer this:


Thanks for letting us know Aaron, I’ve been wondering where you were on a Friday recently. I’ll keep my eye on here for details of when you restart the live modelling.


These live modeling sessions have been great @TheOnlyAaron (the fireside chats as well) and clearly it’s all a lot of work. Thank you. Honestly, what I would love to see at this point are some live Layout sessions. I know this would not necessarily be you. Perhaps someone from the Layout team could take one of your many live SketchUp models which you posted to the warehouse and make a live 1 or 2 page ConDoc for it.

As a piece of stand alone software with a learning curve totally separate from SketchUp, it would be really helpful for many to see Layout’s capabilities and best practices clearly demonstrated.


I’m going to say its a well deserved break. One event per week is more than enough to schedule, plan for and prepare.

A couple years ago I was trying to pull 12-18 hour programming sessions. I found when I paced myself better I was more productive, efficient and a lot happier.

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I’ve been enjoying these fireside chats quite a bit these last few weeks. Just a suggestion to the power that be (I don’t know how feasible this is or what the future plans might be).

I think it would be nice to once in a while drop in a “chat” in lieu of the live modeling session with various industry professionals. Changing it up once in a while keeps things really “fresh” and its always exciting to see who you might bring in to display their work (which is always really impressive).

It is also really cool to see how different professionals actually use SketchUp within their respective industries. Putting together these chat sessions probably involves more planning and coordinating than a live modeling session (at least that is my assumption), so one every 4-5 weeks would probably be a good balance between live modeling and chat sessions.

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DaveR, Very cool car!

Anssi,… I’d LOVE to drive that around Switzerland. What a beauty!!!

That explains it… thanks for the post. I’ll share in the FB group that sometime in November, we’ll see you and Jody back in action.

You hit the nail on the head! Our live models are extremely “low lift” - just Jody and I hanging out at our computers and me streaming my screen directly. Getting a webinar set up and getting a guest in to share his screen is a bit more work. With the success of the Fireside Chats, we have discussed doing more of this type of content, moving forward, but do not have a real plan, as of now.