This has been reported many times over several years, but for some reason the message isn’t getting to the SketchUp team. Hence why I am reporting it again, perhaps the title of this topic may be different enough from others to flag it. I hope so.
Previous versions of the SketchUp, the visibility of ‘layers’ was clearly indicated by a pale grey check-box, with or without a black tick. The name of the hidden layers was clearly readable - as it should be.
The current version of SketchUp has the visibility of layers indicated by a black eye surround, with or without a black eye-dot within. This is already a downgrade from the previous clarity of communication. The eye surround should be pale grey - to be more distinct from when the black eye within is added. I hope that is clear.
The GREATER problem is the names of the hidden tags/layers, they are now an unreadable pale grey. This is a serious issue, and I mean VERY SERIOUS, please listen to us SketchUp guys! Design is actually about clarity of communication, not being overly slick that users have a worse working experience. Information that needs to be present should be clearly communicated, without distraction, this is a number 1 rule in the ‘school of communication’.
I strongly suggest you revert to the names of the tag/layers being all black text, whether they are hidden or not - we still need to know what they are if they are hidden!
The visibility check-box then needs to do its job better (as it did with previous versions), so make the eye surround pale grey - for more disparity when the tag/later is visible. Currently your GUI designer has somewhat failed on the clarity of the visibly check box, and so ‘made up’ for that failing by greying out the names of the hidden layers to a point of total unreadability! Don’t let the failing one communication element fall onto another. Please make the visibility check boxes do they job better, and so you can ensure the readlbity of the tag/layer names are then readable. This is basic communication skills in design, a point A.
Maybe look at how Photoshop does it. They’ve alway been a no-fuss, powerhouse of GUI design. Layer names are kept clearly visible - black text whether they are visible or hidden layers. The visibility check-box when unchecked looks very pale, totally different to when checked - this difference is plain, ample, and without distraction, all information is clearly present.
Looking forward to your response.