You have never been able to do that directly ???
If you download an RBZ from’s PluginsStore [or any other site like], then you can use the native Extensions Manager Installer button to add it - just like in v2016 - the dialog and buttons are different, that’s all.
If you have the SketchUcation Toolset installed then its toolbar’s red-button opens its ExtensionStore³, which lets you browse the PluginStore and Auto-Install Plugins and Extensions, skipping the manual download of the RBZ etc.
The Toolset also has a menu item to Install RBZ Archives [and ZIPs], the difference between it and the native installer is that if you have an alternative plugins folder set up [e.g. a shared folder using Fredo’s AdditionalPluginsFolder tool], it initially defaults to the native Plugins folder but lets you install into the alternative destination if you desire,
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Install its RBZ using the native installer, thereafter you choose how to do things…
The button is located in the Extension Manager (Window > Extension Manager). The extension manager replaces the Extension and Extension Policy pages in the Sketchup Preferences window.
If you open the v2017 SketchUp menu > Window > Extension Manager…
then the big red button in the bottom left-hand corner of its dialog is the ‘Install Extension’ button -
as its actual name might suggest - and my screen-grab showed ??
Do you not see it ?
Unless something has drastically changed since I last tried SU2017 the big red button has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with extension warehouse.
However I really think the devs should rename it “Install from File” or something similar. There could also be a separate button to open extension warehouse from the extension manager. @thomthom
The Install Extension button in the Extension Manager opens up the same file dialog as the Install Extension button under Preferences in older SketchUp versions. No restrictions off the source of the extensions.
I agree completely. This topic is proof that users are confused about what the button does. Also, I think there should be a warning popup that you will often have to quit and relaunch SketchUp before the installation will “take”. This is especially true when you install an update, as SU often has to purge the old code from memory, which requires a restart.