I’ve been tasked with learning Sketchup Free web based program, to eventually use with our students. A few things mention going to Windows > Preferences…etc
I’ve failed at the first hurdle! Can’t seem to find it anywhere, be grateful for any advice and pointing out where exactly it is
Thanks for your fast reply. I’m trying to follow these instructions:
Sketchup introduced an easier way to install plugins. Download the RBZ version of the plugin (skp_to_dxf.rbz) to your harddrive - it is a zipped file but don’t extract it. Then in Sketchup click on the install extensions button. It’s found under Preferences > Extensions > Install Extension
…but I can’t see from my screen shot where ‘Preferences’ are
Make sure that they install it using your login account, but running the installer by right-clicking and choosing “run as administrator”. Any other method of installation on Windows (including being logged on as an administrator) is likely to lead to strange errors later.
Well…that is indeed something about which I need to become better informed. I have never used SketchUp for Schools or SketchUp Free except to review them during the beta stage. I do realize that both are essentially the same program with a few very minor exceptions.