SketchUp Free Extensions

Is it possible to use the provided extensions in the SketchUp Free application or not? I seem to find very vague or not complete answers on this topic. Thanks.

I’m not sure what you mean by “the provided extensions”, but SketchUp Free does not (yet) support extensions of any type. SketchUp Make 2017 does support extensions.

When I say provided, I mean what’s available to the community to either download for free/purchase. Is SketchUp Make 2017 free?

SketchUp Make is free for non-commercial use. You can use most extensions with it. SketchUp Free which runs in your Internet browser is not able to take advantage of extensions at this time.


Thank you so much for the help. I use AutoCAD at work, and I use SketchUp at home for my own projects. My PC at home is much better anyways; this will be great! Thanks!

the SU extensions/plugins which can be used by the SU desktop versions can be found in the SketchUp Extension Warehouse, lot’s of them are free.

In addition to the Extension Warehouse, there’s also a huge number of extensions available from Sketchucation. There are few duplicates between them.

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