Star Wars Model (Mandalorian's Razor Crest) modeled Live in SketchUp

Happy belated Star Wars Day (May the Fourth). Let’s get together and model the Razor Crest from The Mandalorian!


Join me on YouTube, Facebook, or Twitch!


i am not familiar with live modeling can you explain how that works
love the Mandalorian ship

Live modeling means that Aaron creates something from scratch, while streaming live video on Twitch, Facebook, and YouTube. YouTube seems to be the closest to instant, though I haven’t test Twitch lately.

The Today at 12pm is Mountain Time. So just over two hours from now.

I made a nicer version of the reference image. It is fantastically better.

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ill see you on youtube then

Colin: “Computer, Enhance.”, “Enhance Again.”

I think I can even see Baby Yoda in his version.

I stopped when the snakeskin scales started showing up.

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The model on 3d warehouse is made by Jeff - he has a FB-Page and made also 3D-Print-Files.

He made it with sketchup :slight_smile:

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Here’s the control panel for inside.



How about another clock next week?

He wouldn’t have enough time to finish that one :wink:

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I tried projecting the texture onto the model. It didn’t go entirely well, but it looks different.

I think that is from Buck Rogers…

I waited until the DNA spiral became obvious.

I have never modeled something by existing drawings, that wasn’t a piece of architecture. My sons love this show, so I thought I would give it a go too.

My take on modeling architectural based on images is to model on top of a projected image that has been scaled and then exploded. The image becomes a material projected into a rectangle and that projection allows auto texturing while I model. It usually results in cool models. Let’s see if I have free time to finish this one:
