Speaking of Units


I’ll pretend I didn’t see this. Makes my head hurt :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Just notice that the only useful path leads to pint :beer:


@dezmo should definitly see this! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I know all the units of measurement for beer:

  • :beer:
  • :beers:
  • more.

(BTW. I’m a Liquid Processing Engineer in a real life!)


there are some road signs i’ve encountered in the UK which uses “yards” for turn offs and intersections etc below 500 yards… :wink:

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yeah, but it’s roughly similar. 500yd or 450m when driving is fine.

I wonder how many mistakes were due to the tonne (metric) / ton (imperial) mistake though :slight_smile:

short Ton (us) is 907,2 kg
tonne is 1000 kg
long ton (uk) is 1016 kg

Worse is, if a brit and a yank talk about tons, there is a 108,8kg difference.

I’m confused. If 1kg is 2.2 pounds and a stone is 14 pounds, is a pound sterling 6.35 kgs? Nobody wants to carry that much money over long distances.

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hahaha, the classic Lbs / ÂŁ situation I see :slight_smile:

In french it’s worse, back then we had an equivalent unit to the Lbs called the Livre. so we still translate it that way. and the £ is therefore called Livre (sterling, to differenciate).

but livre is also the word for… book. a book is about half a kilo and you can pay with them.

tl;dr why livre and livre are actually different

The unit ones comme from the latin libra, it gave us livre (weight, 11 ounces) then litre.
the other comes from the latin liber, the fine layer between bark and wood that they used before papyrus.
as of the £, I recall it’s a direct translation, since there was pount and pound sterling, it became livre and livre sterling.


A paper dollar weighs about a gram. So, I guess a pound of sterling is about $6,350. With the current conversion rate of dollars to pounds at 1.25, you’re still getting 5,061 pounds. That seems pretty good! But how much does a pint weigh?

I’m not going to worry too much about it. As a matter of fact, I still happen to have a French Franc that I held onto. With appreciation, how many pints of wine could I get with that? Or do I need to convert the Franc to books first?

Is that a US pint or a British pint (and take it farther if you are into Monty Python)?

Sigh. Stores here sell beer in four sizes of cans. 1/3 l, 1/2 l, US pint and UK pint.

So true. Actually this is a very real concern for me and requires constant attention. I design critical lifts, large complex rigging situations that can be very close to equipment capacity. Two shackles each rated for 50 tons can have a difference in capacity of 10230 lbs (4640kg) depending on where they are manufactured, and both are simply labeled 50T.

I can tell you from my world, mistakes ARE made. But not by me :innocent:


50T or 5T? There is a big difference…

In this case the example was 100,000 lbs

as they say on the Brit Box shows “well, that’s sorted then”

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