Hi, i’m very much a novice and have sketchup pro but i can’t use any solid tools except the outer shell tool, they pop up but are greyed out and when i select one its asking me to upgrade almost like im not getting the full pro package even though i’ve paid for it
Any help greatly appreciated
Which version of SketchUp are you using? It sounds like you are using SketchUp Free which only has Outer Shell.
What “full pro package” did you buy? Did you get the subscription to SketchUp Shop or did you purchase the subscription for Sketchup 2021? If SketchUp Shop, maybe you need to log out of SketchUp and log back in using the e-mail address and password you used when you bought the subscription.
Until i tried to select trim tool i thought i was using sketchup pro, i paid the $299USD yearly subscription for sketchup pro, it enabled the 3d warehouse after i subscribed so i assumed it was pro, maybe it isn’t?
Did you download SketchUp 2021 to your computer and install it? Or are you still working in the web based version? The 3D Warehouse is available to SketchUp Free users without paying anything.
web based version
Then you aren’t using SketchUp Pro. You paid for the pro subscription according to the price so you should be able to download and install SketchUp 2021 (Download All | SketchUp). If you want to continue using the web based version, sign out of SketchUp and sign back in using the e-mail address and password you used when you bought the subscription. That ought to get you into SketchUp Shop.
Ahh ok, yeah that helped, man i’m glad i found out that now instead of in 12months time
Thanks for your help mate