Solid tools and nuisance pop up

I have a single solid roof tile and I have created a 20x30 array. I want to split it using an overlapping solid group so I need to use the OUTER SHELL solid tool to make my array solid.
However it take hundreds of clicks to get rid of the pop up that warns me “Your recent operation has caused visible geometry to merge with existing that is hidden”. How do I proceed without having to get rid of the pop up?

don’t hide raw geometry.

the popup means you have some raw geometry (not grouped) where you’re working. maybe you hid it manually, maybe you placed it on a tag and hid the tag. but it still exists, and when you work after that, it’ll still impact what you do.

for this reason, don’t hide raw geometry. make it a group and hide it, or make it a group, tag it and hide the tag.

Thank you, it was one little line on my original tile. All fixed.

yeah, it’s usually that you have hidden massive amount of stuff (and you need to change the way you work) or you have one tiny thing somewhere and it breaks everything.

glad it’s only a small line, it falls into the “woops” category :slight_smile: